A global network of researchers

Enrolment open: 'Engaged research for community and policy impact' online course; starts 7th October 2024

By Maisie Northing | Sep. 18, 2024  | Research skills Online courses Influencing policy

We are excited to announce that enrolment is open on our latest online course, 'Engaged research for community and policy impact’.

Who is this course for?

Our award-winning online courses are designed for researchers and scientists in low- and middle-income countries. This course is designed for those working in any field who are interested in designing and carrying out research which makes an impact, using community based or participatory research approaches. This is a highly practical course - you will be required to identify and engage with a relevant community through several activities, to try out the methods and tools that you learn on this course.Graphic with white background - all else in red. Text reads "Enrolment is now open on AuthorAID's latest MOOC: Engaged Research for Community and Policy Impact. Experience 8 weeks of practical learning alongside your peers and get advice from expert facilitators. Course starts: 7th October. Thin red lines mark a square outline and the AuthorAID and INASP logos at the bottom of the image


Course duration: 8 weeks


Course outline and learning outcomes:

  • Apply appropriate participatory research methods to development challenges
  • Appreciate the importance of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research collaborations to solve complex challenges
  • Determine the key stakeholders you need to engage with to deliver research for societal and policy impact
  • Identify opportunities for funding and publishing community-engaged research

Course outline and delivery:

The course will be delivered via the learn@inasp Moodle platform, with 5 live Q&A sessions, and an accompanying WhatsApp community to learn from other participants.

Module 1: Foundations of engaged research for societal impact

Module 2: Working with collaborators and stakeholders to address complex challenges

Module 3: Practical uses of participatory research

Module 4: Professional opportunities for engaged research

What will be the learning activities in this course?

This course has several practical exercises in which you will be asked to engage with a community and share your reflections on: 

  • Facilitate a community discussion exercise - understanding their experiences of research and decision making
  • Conduct a community-based stakeholder mapping activity
  • Practice a participatory research method with a community group
  • Produce and share a draft engagement strategy
  • Develop a short draft research proposal plan

Please set aside 3-4 hours of learning time per week, over 8 weeks.

Course dates: Monday 7th October to Monday 2nd December

Course leaders: A team of experienced guest facilitators from the AuthorAID network. This course will include a number of live discussion sessions which will be timed to cover different global time zones.

How do I enrol?

Complete information about the course along with enrolment instructions are available on our Moodle website: https://learn.inasp.info/course/view.php?id=382. You will need to create a learn@inasp (previously called INASP Moodle) account if you don’t already have one. Please follow the instructions carefully (you may need to click on the above link again after registering your account).

INASP designs and runs capacity development activities that cater for both women and men’s interests and needs. We use methods that increase active participation and an inclusive learning environment, adopting attitudes and behaviours that value differential experiences and perspectives and ensuring listening and respect for each other’s experiences and views.